Friday, May 03, 2013

AMD APU for Apple --

In the past decade, every time AMD innovated, Intel copycatted  AMD's innovation, while suppressing AMD's market expansion with its monopoly power.

AMD invented AMD64 (x64), multi-core x64, HyperTransport, ccHT, EMC (embedded memory controller), to name a few. Intel shamelessly copycatted each and every one of these AMD innovations, without even acknowledge AMD's technological leadership.

Intel can do this with impunity because of the cross-licensing agreements with AMD.

But AMD innovation in the APU arena finally leaves Intel in the dust.

Why? Hasn't Intel copycatted the APU concept from AMD also?

It is true Intel has also copycatted the APU design from AMD by integrating CPU and GPU. But AMD has acquired all of ATI's assets, and there is no cross-licensing of core ATI technologies with Intel. Furthermore, Nvidia has no interest in lending Intel a helping hand. As a result, Intel can only license second class graphics cores from obscure sources.

With AMD's control of the next gen game consoles, including PS4 and the rumored Xbox 720, and with the ability to custom design APUs equipped with high performance GPGPUs, Intel is playing a hopeless game of catch-up. Only Nvidia can help Intel, but even if Mr. Huang is willing to, it is probably too late.

Don't be surprised if the next gen Apple iPad runs on an AMD designed APU integrating ARM CPU cores and AMD Vision cores.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Give up. You're embarrassing yourself.

Intel Timna, a processor with an integrated memory controller, were rolling off Intel assembly lines back in the year 2000 before it was cancelled. It also had integrated graphics incorporated, far before AMD had any plans about "Fusion".

2:58 PM, June 05, 2013  

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